Saturday, September 29, 2012

This Week at School!

Off to find cattails with our older buddies!

We need to gather the cattails first to make mats.

We read some books about Jackson Pollock.................

............we decided to try his techniques and make our portfolios.

We went on an alphabet nature walk. "I" is for insect trail.
"E" is for eggplants that we grew in our garden.

"H" is for hole!

We explored and looked closely at leaves on our new light table.

Our class was collecting petals and leaves to dry with Mrs. Hlady's class.

WOW! Such vibrant colours!

Gathering and sorting our petals by colour.

Here is the rhubarb we grew and tasted. We discovered our rhubarb was quite
 hard and will need to be picked earlier next year!

Beet leaves we tasted that came from our vegetable garden.
Chopped the vegetables for our soup!

Adding the vegetables to make soup.

How delicious our soup tasted that everyone tried!
Carrot cake that we also made with our carrots!

Icing to top the cake! Our class ate our cake outside after our Terry Fox walk! It was delicious!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Welcome Back!

Here is Sunshine after 2 months of holidays!
Look how much Moonlight has changed!

Caramel relaxing in Mrs. Wielgosh's hand!

Can you see the grasshopper hiding in the plants?
Our flower garden in the Fall that we planted!
Sketching our flower garden! Some of us rubbed the flower petals on our paper.
This is our beautiful collage we created on our light table!
Here are some of our comments:
-when you back up you can see little black things in the diamonds
-there are many faces of people
-rainbow dots
-bubbles and stripes
-beautiful ice-bergs
-snow caps on the mountains when you are at eye level