Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cheetah and Oreo!

The Great Outdoors!

Cheetah Exploring!

Caramel Looking like a stuffed animal!

Look at Cheetah's new feathers on her wings!

Tadpoles growing!

Still Waiting For Our Ducks To Hatch!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Today our class looked closely and noticed that three of our praying mantises milted!

 First Molt!

Today our class looked closely and noticed that two of our prating mantises molted! You can see in the picture that the praying mantis is at the top and the skin is at the bottom! We also witnessed a change in colour. When they first emerged from the egg case they were a tan or light brown colour. Now they have changed to a nice green colour. The praying mantises are eating a lot of fruit flies and growing really fast!

 Cole brought in a double decker bus that is a souvenir from Wales! It would be a lot of fun to ride on a bus like the one in the picture! Cole has relatives that live there!

Monday, May 28, 2012

 What a Morning!!!!

Today we sat in a circle and let the chicks run around. We looked closely and made a lot of observations! Our class noticed they move around a lot more and are very jumpy! Cheetah and Caramel chased eachother around and were very brave. They are taller now and have started to grow their feathers on their wings. Jonah shared with us that you can tell a boy from a girl by their feathers. We think Cheetah is a girl and Caramel is a boy. We will wait to see once more of their feathers grow. Our class noticed that their egg tooth has fallen off.
 Our friend Brendan from last year brought in his pet guinea-pig "Cuddles". We thought he looked like our old classroom pet guinea-pig "Oreo". Cuddles is very soft and really liked when Brendan petted him. He made lots of squeaks to say how much he loved it!
Mark and Bethany from Mrs. Robinson's room dropped in to show our class a milkweek plant that his Aunt found. On the plant we were able to see monarch butterfly eggs and a tiny monarch caterpillar!! We wonder how long it will take to make a crysallis?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Caramel Made An Escape!
Caramel escaped from the hole in the box. -Cole

When Mrs. Wielgosh turned around, she saw Buttercup and Caramel sitting beside each other. She grabbed Buttercup and put her away!- Kallie
Buttercup went into the chick's roost!-Easton
Roosts are where they live.-Khadra
This morning when it was recess, we took the chicks out and the chicks kept on running around.-Liam

Kallie's Kitten

Kallie's kitten is a girl and her name is Daisee.-Jordan
Kallie's kitten was running around and escaping through little holes. It was smart because it went to the same spot.-Justin
Daisee was chewing Kallie's hair. -Sabrina
Kallie's cat is from an animal shelter.-Kim

Praying Mantis Sculptures

These are our praying mantis sculptures we made out of clay.-Jordan
It was fun to make them.-Renee.

Praying Mantis Inquiry Time

These are our dioramas that we made to show what we learned about praying mantises.-Kayden
Some people were making the praying mantis heads turn around and they made little bugs for them to eat.-Karl
Praying mantises are the only insects that turn their heads.-Kayden

Kayden's praying Mantis head! She made antennas out of wire and she stuck them in through the plasticine.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Add caption
 Our Chick Cheetah!

This is our chick Cheetah.-Jordan
Cheetah is really cute and soft.-Easton
Cheetah likes to chirp a lot. -Kayden
Cheetah is fluffy with lots of down.-Cole
Down is their feathers, except tiny and fluffy(like fur).-Khadra
Cheetah has lots of black spots.-Kolton
Cheetah loves to run around.-Sabrina

Caramel is nice and soft like Cheetah.-Mika
She likes to squeak a lot. -Savannah
She has down on her feet and she looks like a caramel.-Logan
She is very cute and has down. -Jenna
Caramel likes to  chirp a lot. -Karl
Caramel jumped out of the the hole in a box. -Amy

This morning we sketched the chicks.-Renee
I made words on my sketch.-Hannah
When we were sketching, Buttercup jumped in the chick's box! -Kolton

Buttercup Is Funny!

Buttercup was walking around the circle when we were passing around the chicks. She jumped in the box and started eating the chick's food!-Tydus
Mrs. Wielgosh put Buttercup back in the box to take a picture. It was super funny!-Khadra
Buttercup was being silly and mischievous.-Kallie and Sabrina

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

 Our Chicks Hatched!!!

In the middle of the night our baby chicks hatched!-Kayden
We named one Cheetah and the other one Caramel!-Cole
We held the chicks and passed them around.-Jordan
I noticed they have a little yellow on their beak.-Sabrina
We were sooooo excited! -Tydus
They are very, very cute!-Khadra
One of the chicks escaped from the hole because they were so excited to meet us!-Kolton
Caramel jumped out.-Kim
The chicks flap their wings.-Tydus
Cheetah looks fluffy and like vanilla.-Logan
Fluffy is a good name for a chick.-Easton
The chicks are soft.-Cassady
I noticed that one is black and brown and one is yellow.-Mika
 Cassady's Puppies!

Cassady brought in her two puppies. They  are very cute and one was really soft. They are named Tiny and Peanut. We really liked petting them. Their birthday is the same day as Cassady's!! 
Inquiry Time!

At Inquiry time I made a board game. If you land on a bat, monkey or bird, you miss your next turn. -Tydus
I added sticks and clay for my diorama. -Mika
Jonah added more to his puzzle. His board game is the shape of a praying-mantis.
Kim is trying to make the neck move. Praying Mantises are the only insect that move their necks.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What A Week!

We made odd and even towers this week and sorted them. This group of towers were our odd towers. We know that 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are all odd numbers!
Odd Towers: This week we made and sorted our number towers. This group of towers we made were all odd. We know that the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are all odd numbers. When you look at the towers there is always one without a partner. Odd numbers cannot be shared equally with a friend.

 Even Towers: These are our even towers. Each one has a partner. We know that the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 are all even numbers. If you take any number and double it you get an even number. Any even number can be evenly shared into two groups! I can take the number 6 and share it equally. I would get 3 and my friend would get 3.

Tadpoles: This week some tadpoles were delivered to our classroom! We read a book about tadpoles and watched a video how to take care of them. our class is feeding them boiled lettuce and giving them fresh pond water every couple of days. It is exciting watching them grow!
Superworms: During Exploration Time, we cleaned out the superworm cage. A few kids wanted to count them to see how many we had. There are 64 superworms in the tank!!
Alex showed us a pupa he found in our mealworm farm! Good find Alex! 

Monday, May 07, 2012

Breaking News!

Today our praying Mantis egg cases hatched!-Jordan

Can you believe it, we have a whole bunch of NYMPHS!!! -Liam
Their birthday is on May 7th, 2012. -Kim
They emerged when we were eating our lunches.-Sabrina
We sketched our praying Mantises.-Easton
We were excited to see they hatched.- Justin

Saturday, May 05, 2012

 Our Garden In The Spring!

On Friday we went outside with Mrs.Kobelka's class to see our garden. We noticed that there were a lot of weeds we needed to pull out! This is what it looked before we did our garden clean-up!

This is our garden after we weeded! Our classes will continue to weed next week. We are getting ready to rototiller the garden. When the weather is right, we will start planting!!

All of us used actual gardening tools! We were safe when we used our tools! Four garbage bags of weeds and dead plants were collected. There were a few plants that we removed and will transplant them!
Water-Colour Paintings: We finally finished our water-colour pictures for the Spring Tea!! All the beautiful Art hanging up added so much colour to our gym!

Family Reunion!Buttercup our class guinea-pig finally reunited with her brother Fluffy on Friday! They were pop corning and chasing one another! Both of the guinea-pigs were sooooo excited! They haven't seen each other since their birthday on October 14th, 2011!! We will have more upcoming play-dates!! 

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Litterless Lunch Day!!

Every Wednesday kids at our school are trying to bring lunches that have no garbage! These are all of our containers our class brought in! We didn't have a lot of garbage today!

Spring Tea 
Every year our school puts on a Spring Tea! Many children help to serve and clean up and others perform songs, poems and dances! We will recite a poem titled “I Am Special”, sing “We Are The World” and finish with “The Chicken Dance”. The pink chicken in the picture plays the song for us and dances with us!

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

What A Day!!!!!!!!

We met with Mrs. Robinson's class to put our duck eggs in the incubator! We typed out all of our questions we had about them and came up with over 35!! There were 5 eggs placed in the incubator. Today is Day 1 and they take 28days to hatch! We will keep everyone posted on our BLOG!!
Mrs. Deneka's eggs hatched yesterday and she let us pass them around! We were so excited to hold them! All of us were very gentle with the chicks.
Our class started our flower sketches for the Spring Tea on Thursday! We will be using water-colour paint tomorrow and outline them with a black Sharpie marker.

Praying Mantis by Roger Smith
Can you guess what these are??? If you click on the image you will find out the answer!! Our class actually got to see them up close today!!