Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Finishing Up Our Projects Today!

Human Rights Boxes

 Every Child Has The Right To Play!
Today we were working on our "Human Rights" boxes. Everyone has now painted their boxes! All of us painted images that represented the human right we chose. Inside our boxes we are adding plasticine representations of our rights. In this picture Tydus chose "Every Child Has the Right to Play"!
Every Child Has The Right to a Family!
This is Kim's box that she painted. She made all the members of her family with plasticine. They are even sitting on chairs!

Inquiry Time

 Blue Whales and Fish
Today we were finishing our Inquiry Projects! Here is a picture of Hannah's T-Rex project! She chose to study dinosaurs. She is trying to hold up the tree she made! On Friday we will start sharing what we learned with the class!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We Have A Lot To Post About!

 Today we named our new fish Orangy!!! Our new fish is gold and orange.  We noticed our fish likes to stare at people. When he is playing, he/she likes to sink, float back up and do it again! Our fish likes to swim around in circles. Orangy is happy in his/her new tank. Do you know if our fish is a girl or boy? The type of fish we got is a goldfish. Orangy is colourful and we have fun with him or her!
Today is "Can the Principal"! -Renee
We brought in all this food to can the principal. We stack them at her door.- Justin
Our class brought in 35 cans and boxes. -Kayden
We are trying to trap the principal in her office. -Liam
The cans are going to other families.-Khadra
The cans are going to the local food bank.-Sabrina
I brought in tuna! -Hannah

This week at our school we are participating in "5 Days For Freedom"! Please check out our link on our BLOG!

I finished my project on Blue Whales today!-Sabrina
I have a loose tooth! -Hannah
I lost my tooth! -Jonah
I almost finished my project on Great White Sharks. -Justin
I am doing Blue Whales. I know a Blue Whale is bigger than an adult. They can be 33 metres. -Jordan -Karl
Blue Whales are bigger than a T-Rex! -Kallie

Friday, April 13, 2012

Our Special Guests!!

This morning we had two special guests! Mrs. Deneka's class brought us these two chicks to share for a little while. If you look very close you can see eyelashes. Their names are "Pipsqueak and Peep". They feel very silky. The one that is black and white is Pipsqueak and the brown and grey one is Peep. On their heads it looks like a triangle. If you look very, very closely, you can see nails that come out of their toes.  They have four toes. One is dark and one is light. It looks like Peep is trying to fly. They are Silkie Hens. Their beaks move up and down when they chatter. The chicks are really warm! We loved having them in our class!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Okay.......We'll Tell You What It Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some clues:

-it will be a bug
-it will be green
-two words, starts with a "P" and an "M"
-they come in all different colours
-there can be 50-100 of them
-they have 2 antennaes
-they look like they're praying

They are ...........................

PRAYING MANTIS EGG CASES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some things we are wondering:
Why do they have big eyes?
What do they eat?
What is the rarest colour?
Why do they have the colour on their head?
Why do they have antennaes?
Why do they come in so many colours?
What is the easiest colour to find?
Do they blink?
Why do they look like they're praying?
How big do their heads get?
What is their habitat?
I wonder how big they get?
What do they put in their cages?
How do they make their cases?
What are their front spikes for?

Monday, April 09, 2012

What Am I?

Here are some of our ideas:
-wasp nest
-bumblebee nest
-honeycomb that is cut
-monarch butterfly

What do you think this is? Please try to guess what it is!!!

Constructing 3D Solids 3D Solids

We made 3D Solids with plasticine and stir-sticks. Our class made cubes, pyramids, triangular prisms and rectangular prisms. We loved making 3D Solids!!!!! :)

Thursday, April 05, 2012

The Day of Adventures!!!

Here we are going into the forest with Mrs. Robinson's class!!!!:)

Today when we were in the forest the fire-bell rang! -Jordan
We had an Easter Hunt in our classroom. -Kim
We went in the bullrushes and I think I swallowed a fluffy. -Kallie
It was wet in the bullrushes. -Justin
When we were going in the forest I saw a tire and lots of logs. -Easton
I saw lots of trees and logs on the ground.-Mika
We did the "Chicken Dance" two times today!. - Kayden
I like all the stuff in the forest. -Liam

What do you think made holes in this tree?????

I saw 27 holes in a tree. -Kayden

I liked the way the tree smelled. -Amy
We loved running through the bullrushes!!!
We made murals with Mrs. Robinson's class about what we saw in the forest.
We finished making our 3D solid skeletons today and played a 3D solid game!

Monday, April 02, 2012

Welcome Back Room 188!!:)

This morning we passed around Buttercup. -Kallie
I brought her back to our classroom. She was at my house in my bedroom for 10 days. -Sabrina
We all shared what we did on Spring Break. -Justin
This morning we played instruments in Music.
-Jordan and Kim
We went to the computer room and went on our BLOG! -Amy
We noticed some people have been on our website.-Cole
A lot of people voted on our survey. I noticed a lot of people voted on Summer for their favourite season. -Karl
We really like the revolver map! -Khadra
In Math we were learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
I noticed that the cone is shaped like a party hat.
The sphere is shaped like the Earth. -Cole
The cube  looks like a marshmallow.
I found a beetle in the middle of the playground. -Jonah

What type of beetle do you think it is?