Tuesday, May 01, 2012

What A Day!!!!!!!!

We met with Mrs. Robinson's class to put our duck eggs in the incubator! We typed out all of our questions we had about them and came up with over 35!! There were 5 eggs placed in the incubator. Today is Day 1 and they take 28days to hatch! We will keep everyone posted on our BLOG!!
Mrs. Deneka's eggs hatched yesterday and she let us pass them around! We were so excited to hold them! All of us were very gentle with the chicks.
Our class started our flower sketches for the Spring Tea on Thursday! We will be using water-colour paint tomorrow and outline them with a black Sharpie marker.

Praying Mantis by Roger Smith
Can you guess what these are??? If you click on the image you will find out the answer!! Our class actually got to see them up close today!!


Anonymous said...

Did you guys see the nymphs emerge??
love Renee

Anonymous said...

the nymphs look sooooo cute:)