What A Week!
Odd Towers: This week we made and sorted our number towers. This group of towers we made were all odd. We know that the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are all odd numbers. When you look at the towers there is always one without a partner. Odd numbers cannot be shared equally with a friend.
Even Towers: These are our even towers. Each one has a partner. We know that the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 are all even numbers. If you take any number and double it you get an even number. Any even number can be evenly shared into two groups! I can take the number 6 and share it equally. I would get 3 and my friend would get 3.
Tadpoles: This week some tadpoles were delivered to our classroom! We read a book about tadpoles and watched a video how to take care of them. our class is feeding them boiled lettuce and giving them fresh pond water every couple of days. It is exciting watching them grow!
Superworms: During Exploration Time, we cleaned out the superworm cage. A few kids wanted to count them to see how many we had. There are 64 superworms in the tank!!
Alex showed us a pupa he found in our mealworm farm! Good find Alex!
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