Human Rights

Pennies For Peace February 2012

Our class (Multi-Age)  read the book titled, "Listen to the Wind" by Greg Mortenson and found a website at the back of the book. We checked it out and found out that one penny could help a kid learn and go to school in another country. One of our friends said they had a penny in their backpack and wanted to help! Everyone else said they had pennies and wanted to bring them to school. We rolled and counted our pennies and took them to the bank to get a cheque. In less than 2 months we raised $164.80 with Mrs. Robinson's class.

Check out the "Pennies for Peace" website:
Walking to the Royal Bank to deliver our pennies we collected, counted and rolled!

Look at all of our pennies!

Boxing up all our pennies!

WOW!!! Our cheque we mailed was for $164.80!!!!

This is our representation of "Every Child Has A Right To An Education"! We made molds of our hands with tape, casted and then painted them. Our paintings on our hands and the decorations that we are holding in our hands represent what we appreciate and have in our own school. In the middle of our class representation we made ourselves, clay children! Children are the most important part of a school!!!