Kayden's House
Kayden made a house out of straws, paper, tape, a bottle cap, cardboard and markers. She attached a garage and a deck at the back. She also put a barbecue on the deck. Kayden put cars in the garage. There was a fire pit in the backyard!
Jordan's Pencil Holder!
Jordan made a pencil holder. She used a can, paper and markers to decorate the can. She used a pencil for decorating her can. Her family helped her get a can and open it!! :)
Kim's Birdhouse
Kim's birdhouse was made out of a broken paintbrush, paper and a cream container for coffee. Kim used crayons to draw butterflies and flowers.
Kim's birdhouse was made out of a broken paintbrush, paper and a cream container for coffee. Kim used crayons to draw butterflies and flowers.
Tydus Made A Birdhouse
Tydus used wood, staples, screws and nails, brown stuff(soffit) and a broken bow and arrow stick. He used a Sharpie marker to write birdhouse and an arrow.
Tydus used wood, staples, screws and nails, brown stuff(soffit) and a broken bow and arrow stick. He used a Sharpie marker to write birdhouse and an arrow.
Easton's Robot
Easton used a milk jug, tape, black paint for batteries and a box for the stomach. He used COKE bottles for the legs and the arms were made out of paper.
Easton used a milk jug, tape, black paint for batteries and a box for the stomach. He used COKE bottles for the legs and the arms were made out of paper.
Kallie's Castle
Kallie used a cereal box to make a castle. She cut a hole, then she put string to hold the drawbridge open. She made the top tower with a Tim Horton's cup.
Sabrina's Dog
Sabrina used a peach juice bottle for the body and cardboard for the ears and feet. She named her dog Ruffus.
Jenna's Watering Can
Jenna made a watering can. She used a milk container and she put holes in the lid. She used marker and crayon to draw stuff.
Hannah's Birdhouse
Hannah made a birdhouse out of cardboard and stickers. She also made a bird hotel. Hannah used a little green cotton ball for the pillow.The post was made from cardboard. The circle hole is for small birds and the large square is for large birds.
Savannah's Rocket ship
Savannah made a rocket ship. She used a chocolate box from Easter.Her Dad helped her put the cans on the bottom. She made a flag for the top.
Mika's Birdhouse
Mika used a milk carton and a chopstick to make his birdhouse. He cut a big square for the birds to get in.
Liam's Surfer Guy
Liam used a water bottle, paper, fabric for the arms and an egg carton for the hat. He drew a face and the boy is surfing.
Logan's Rocket
Logan made a rocket! He used a pop bottle, cardboard and duct tape. He put rocks in the bottles to make noise like real rockets.
Renee's Robot
Renee used a cracker box, pop bottles, a gummy box, lifesaver candy, tape and Pepsi bottles to make her robot. She named it Reneezame and it like to play with yo-yo's. She also used marker to decorate it.
Jonah's Squid
Jonah used a paper towel roll to make a squid. He coloured it red and blue and added two googly eyes. Jonah cut the cardboard and added an elastic so it could stand.
Amy's Bird Feeder
Amy made a birdhouse. She cut squares for the opening. She painted it pink. Her mom put holes to hang it. She used sticks for the birds to be on. This keeps the water from going into the food.
Justin's Rocket
Justin made a rocketship with his mom and sister. He used cardboard for the base and a popbottle. He made a cone out of paper, used tape, paint and a sharpie marker. He added rocks to the base for sound.
Khadra's Broom
Khadra made a broom. She got the idea from the computer. She used a plastic bottle and cut strips. Khadra used 5 plastic bottles. She used black strips from her dad to hold it together.
Alissa's Birdhouse and Bird Feeder
Alissa made a birdfeeder and birdhouse out of a juice container. She used string, tape, a stick, markers and scissors. Alissa made a butterfly and a flower.
Kolton's Birdhouse, Bird Feeder and Airplane
Kolton made a birdfeeder. He tied rope, used a mango juice bottle and a stick. For his birdhouse he used a hot glue gun for the sticks, wood and put some paper inside. Kolton and his dad spray-painted the milk container. He also made an airplane out of pop cans.
Amy's Bird Feeder
Amy made a birdhouse. She cut squares for the opening. She painted it pink. Her mom put holes to hang it. She used sticks for the birds to be on. This keeps the water from going into the food.
Justin's Rocket
Justin made a rocketship with his mom and sister. He used cardboard for the base and a popbottle. He made a cone out of paper, used tape, paint and a sharpie marker. He added rocks to the base for sound.
Khadra's Broom
Khadra made a broom. She got the idea from the computer. She used a plastic bottle and cut strips. Khadra used 5 plastic bottles. She used black strips from her dad to hold it together.
Alissa's Birdhouse and Bird Feeder
Alissa made a birdfeeder and birdhouse out of a juice container. She used string, tape, a stick, markers and scissors. Alissa made a butterfly and a flower.
Kolton's Birdhouse, Bird Feeder and Airplane
Kolton made a birdfeeder. He tied rope, used a mango juice bottle and a stick. For his birdhouse he used a hot glue gun for the sticks, wood and put some paper inside. Kolton and his dad spray-painted the milk container. He also made an airplane out of pop cans.
Cole's Bird Feeder
Cole made a bird feeder out of an Orange Crush pop-bottle. He used string and sticks that fell from the trees. His mom cut the holes and he put the birdfeeder in.
Alex made a robot with tape, a tape roll, a plate and a papertowel roll and a Fruit-to-Go Box. Alex's robot can be a birdfeeder too. He is a two in one!
Karl's Robot
Karl used two water bottle caps, paper, tin cans, a rock, a granola box, two pepsi cans and toilet rolls for the arms.