Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Packages Have Arrived!

Wow! Today we received two big parcels in the mail from Bozeman, Montana! Everyone was so excited to open them. We were surprised to see what was inside. There were 48 beautiful calendars, 48 "Three Cups of Tea" books, 48 CDs, 2 "Stones Into Schools" books and 2 other audio cds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was a part of "Pennies For Peace" and brought pennies in. Today I got a book, a CD and a calendar. I felt proud because we gave pennies to help other kids and they gave us something back. I didn't expect it. WE HAD FUN doing this canpan.It rmidid me of when I got some thing from the maul Are class 192 and 188 and we cletid 164 dolers in just five weeks WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
