Thursday, April 23, 2020

Reading: "Love Your World"

Happy Earth Day!

Rock Challenge: can you find a special rock outside and decorate it?

Great Day to Take Your Bike For a Ride!

Khloe Taken Away by Balloons

Look at all the garbage our friend picked up!

Hello Friends!

Way to help out the Earth!

Where Is Your Favourite Tree?

Tree Climbing

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Story of the Day: "Spring Walk" by Deanna McLennan

     What will you find on your "Spring Walk"?

This Week at School

                   From Seed to Sprout 


Which animal can you make with snow on a tree? 
What am I?
What am I?

Great day to read a story outdoors!

Whose tracks are these?

Which one doesn't belong and why? How many different ways can you come up with?